
The teachers recruited are well qualified, experienced, enthusiastic, dedicated with sincere devotion encompassing whole range of knowledge with their precision.
They are ideally placed to make a success of this venture a success.
Our faculty members with their diverse educational and personal
background bring to this campus a rich variety of knowledge & experience that contributes to global awareness & a better understanding of education. Our teachers have a commitment to students that stretches from classroom to their study rooms to athletic fields & every place in between.
They share the joy of a child who has worked hard to complete a project and they suffer anguish of a losing team. They know when to listen, when to advice & when to simply give the children time to sort through things on their own. They are Determined, Dedicated & Demonstrative. We believe in 3D principle.

Principal Co Ordinator’s:
Mr. S N Tripathi Mr. Gyan Prakash Tripathi
HR. Head Mr. Humanshu Shukla
Mr. Gaurav Mishra Mrs. Sony Tripathi
     Mrs. Vinita Pandey


English Mathematics
Mr. Manoj Shukla Mr. Raj Mani Tripathi
Mr. Dhirendra Shukla Mr. Ravindra Shukla
Mr. Shyam Shaker Mishra Mr. Ravi Sharma
Mr. Ravi Kumar Shukla Mr. Akash Shukla
Mrs. Shivani Dwivedi Mr. Sandeep Mishra
Mrs. Kalpana Mishra Mr. Himanshu Shukla
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tripathi Social Science
Hindi/Sanskrit Mr. Pradeep Shukla
Mr. Dharmendra Mishra Mr. Vivek Pandey
Mr. Prakash Kumar Tripathi. Miss. Mansi Singh
Mrs. Shruti Mishra Mrs. Neetu Singh
Mr. Raj Kumar Yadav Computer Science
Science Mr.Vivek Pandey
Mr. Shailesh Jaiswal Mr. Prakash Chandra Mishra
Mr. Shiva Balak Tiwari Mr. Sharad Mishra
Mr. Dileep Pandey Mr. Sudhir Mishra
Mr. Rajeev Ratan Tripathi Physical Education
Mr. Deepak Shukla Mr. Sunit Kumar Singh
Mr. Sarvesh Tripathi Mr. Rama Shanker Singh
Mr. Pradeep Pandey Miss. Beena Pandey
Mr. Sunil Sharma Commerce
Mrs. Sony Tripathi Mr. Laxmi Kant Pandey
Music & Art Mr. Shri Krishna Shesh Tripathi
Mr. Deepak Kumar Mishra Mr. Gyaan Prakash Tripathi
Mr. Balwant Kumar Gautam Librarian
Mr. Ram Chandra Tiwari
Primary Teachers
Mrs.Meenu Tripathi Miss. Sarita Mishra
Mrs. Preeti Pandey Mrs. Manju Shukla
Mrs. Archana Shukla Mrs. Antima Shukla
Mrs.Vinta Pandey Mrs. Maya Mishra
Mrs. Kiran shukla Mrs. Poonam Mishra
Miss. Renu Mishra Miss. Sarita Mishra
Mr. Shitanshu Mishra Mr. Satyendra Dwivedi