At present School has 56 spacious classrooms of 500 sq. ft. each fully equipped with light, furniture, fans and related teaching aids as per as C.B.S.E. guidelines.
– Student’s identities & destinies are fluid
– Multiple intelligence are plastic & learnable
– School is culturally heterogeneous
– School is diverse & not interchangeable
– Curriculum includes learning how to learn
– School is designed for personalized learning
Computer Lab
The school is equipped with the latest computer technology, Desktops, Printers, Scanners, Internet and Intranet facility for the computer lab.
This will help the students to update & upgrade the knowledge in
the field of science & technology and enable the students to learn more practically using all modern systems of education.
Internet, Intranet, E-mail, Video conferencing are the most important features of this setup. Students are regularly taught all the new concepts in computer technology and they are allowed to actively participate in the demonstration. Students are also calibrated for presentation mode.
Science Laboratory (Physics ,Chemistry &Biology)
For a solid scientific approach with practical
demonstration, the school has full fledged physics, chemistry and biology laboratories for the secondary classes.
Every year new equipments are added to the laboratory for the continuous drive to keep the educational hub at the fore- front of new and emerging technologies in every single field. Keeping in tune with modern times we ensure that practical knowledge is placed on an equal footing with theoretical knowledge for the all- round development of the students. Inter School Science Exhibition is also conducted every year as per our academic calendar.
A fully organized and equipped library is available to all students on campus. The library has all the standard text books for the course in sufficient numbers. Additionally, these are a large number of books on specialized topics, recommended by CBSE, academicians and practicing professionals. There is also a wide selection of periodicals and journals. Our library inculcate the habit of reading among children. Our library is especially intended for students and its key purpose is to enhance the learning curve of students and improve the understanding of the subject, power to think logically & strengthen problem solving skills in order to make students intelligent, independent & self reliant.